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Wednesday, February 5, 2025 
Zheng-He Society of Americas (美洲鄭和學會)
Articles (研究文章)


自從2006 年在北卡羅萊納州發現宣德金牌,及2010年美國收購了1602年相傳是利瑪竇繪製的《坤輿萬國全圖》,鄭和下西洋的研究有了歷史性的發展。《坤輿萬國全圖》一直被認為是西方利瑪竇繪製的,但是詳細審察,地圖與利瑪竇和同時期的歐洲地圖有嚴重衝突。結論是,它是一份明代中國人約1430年繪製的世界地圖。 這意味著明代中國完成環球航行測繪,比哥倫布早60年。支持這論點是當時的歐洲繪地圖和許多在美國發現的文化古蹟和文物,包括美國出土的宣德金牌。




Since the finding of a Xuande brass medallion in North Carolina in 2006 and the US acquisition of the 1602 Chinese world map, Zheng He research has gone through a revolutionary stage. The 1602 Chinese world map that has been thought to be drawn by Matteo Ricci is not consistent with the authorship of Ricci and his time. Instead, it is a map drawn by Chinese around 1430. This means Ming Chinese already completed world circumnavigation and surveyed the world more than 60 years before Christopher Columbus. The evidence is supported by comparison of contemporaneous maps by European cartographers, and many cultural relics and artifacts found in America, including the medallion.


The following articles will supply more detailed information to support this new findings. World history has been wronged for the past 600 years and must be corrected to acknowledge the contribution of Ming Chinese to the Age of Exploration.



1.   Siu-Leung Lee, “Zheng He's voyages revealed by Matteo Ricci's world map,” Presented at the First International Zheng He Conference, Melaka. July, 2010. (proceedings published in 2012) (pdf file)

2.李兆良:《坤輿萬國全圖資料源自中國明代環球測繪世界(上)》鄭和研究802010):14-20. (pdf file)


3.李兆良:《鄭和船隊是否到過美洲美國出土的宣德金牌考證》東方收藏272011(pdf file)